Wednesday, March 27, 2019

My Mood Board

Wednesday 27th March 2019

  • What brief did you choose? I chose a magazine brief.
  • What are the minimum requirements for your chosen production?  On the front cover you have to have: at least an original title, strapline, cover price, barcode, edition number at least 1 main image, and 3 cover lines. On the double page spread article you have to have: a headline, stand-first, subheading, 1 main article, 3 other images and one article with 300 words linked to one of the cover lines on the front page.
  • What is the target audience as prescribed in the brief?10-13 year olds.
  • What is your target audience for the product you're creating? (this needs to link to the audience profiling post). People who like cats/ want to know more about cats. 

In this task i'll explore different types of images , font and colours to use in my magazine. I shall be looking at different connotations and how these affects the way my target audience might view my product. By creating this mood board i will also be exploring creative ways of how to present my work.



TASK 5 - When you finish the mood boards you need analyse them answering the following questions:

  • How did they helped you define content for your product? They have helped me to decide what colours i am going to use for my magazine. 
  • What will be your overall colour scheme of your production? Red, Purple and white
  • What kind of images/shots would you use in your production? I am mainly going to be using medium and close up shots however i may use a found long shot image. 
  • What kind of fonts would you use in your production? I am mainly going to be using big, italics and maybe a different font. 
  • What kind of mise-en-scene would you use in your production?  I am going to be using a cat wearing a superman costume.
  • What kind of intertextuality would you use in your production? I am going to put a cat in a superman costume flying towards a speech bubble of 'knowledge', and i am going to put 'to infinity and beyond' underneath that, which is from toy story.
  • Which media theory(ies) are you likely to use in your production? I am going to be using the uses and gratification theory and the 'ideal reader' theory as my reader can pick my magazine up for their own pleasure/ relaxation it fits their ideal type. 

Media theories research

Wednesday 27th March 2019

In this post i am going to research how media theories can be applied in media texts, especially in a magazine. This way i can look at which media theories i can use in my own production. 

TASK 3 - Choose 3 different media texts... as long as they link to the brief you've chosen.

How is media theory used in these 3 media products and how these make the text appealing to an intended audience?

Image result for cat magazines This magazine uses the uses and gratification theory by Blumler and Katz, as the audience will pick this magazine up for their own pleasure, information and/or relexation.

Image result for cat magazines This magazine uses the reception theory by Stuart Hall,  as audiences/readers who pick up this magazine will decode this to uncover a message. That message could be: How to properly look after your cat or are you making sure you are looking after your cat properly.

Image result for cat magazines This magazine uses the theory by Daniel Chandler about the audience picking their 'ideal type'. This magazine is made for audiences who like cats and want to read more about them, thus they are using the 'ideal reader' theory.

In my magazine i will be using the use and gratification theory and the 'ideal reader' theory so my audience  can pick up my magazine fore their own pleasure as it is their 'ideal type' of magazine to read. 

My audience

Wednesday 27th March 2019

  • Name 5 ways in which audiences can be categorised. Mass audiences, niche audiences, gender, social class, age , sexuality, religion, race , nationality.
  • Why do you think it's important for media producers to categories audiences? I think it is important because it helps the media producers understand what types of media products to produce and who to produce it for as they will understand what media audiences like what. It also helps the media producers understand their audiences and how many viewers are from the different types of categories so they can produce media products specifically for the type of audiences. 
  • What is the target audience as described in your chosen brief? 10-13 year olds.
  • Give a short explanation as to your understanding of the target audience given in your chosen brief. Since the audiences are meant for 10-13 year olds, this means children ages 10, 11, 12 and 13. They are similar ages to me so i know what those type of ages are into. Therefore, i can understand the products they would like to see. 

TASK 3: = my survey

  • What did you find useful about the information collated? I now now what type of magazines my audience would like to see. 
  • How are you going to use the information collated to establish/define a target audience for your product? I am going to take the interest of my audience and try to include it in my magazine.
  • What does your audience expect to see in the product you're going to create? 
They expect to see:
 mainly the colours: red, white, purple and black
references to toy story and superman
they would pay around 2.50 for a magazine 
they would like to see big, bold and medium texts 
close up shots for the pictures

  • How are you going to use the information collated to come up with designs and house-styles for your product? it will help me understand what type of font, picture shots, references etc... that they would like to see on my magazine. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Intertextuality in the media

Wednesday 20th March 2019

Intertextuality simply means creating one text in reference to another.  
Intertextuality can also happen when the content of one media text makes reference to another.
Intertextuality is not always obvious. References can only be recognized if you know what  they are referring to.There are also cultural, social and linguistic limitations.

In this task i am going to explain how intertextuality is used in 3 different media texts related to my brief and say what effect this has on the audience. 

TASK 3  – 
Choose 3 different media texts... as long as they link to the brief you've chosen.  
How and why is intertextuality employed in 3 media products and what effect does this have in their intended audience?

In this magazine the 'yum-yums' is an inference as it is a restaurant, cafe and a type of food. This inference is meant for mass audiences who have dogs or know anything about the restaurant and the type of food. This intertextuality makes the reader feel as if they have a connection to the magazine and they can interact with the magazine because people could recognize the reference to food. 

In this magazine they use a range of intertextuality. One example is the reference to Cinderella, as we all know her to have a blue dress and to have a similar skin colour and hair style. This is meant for a mass audience as many people especially kids will know about these references. This makes the reader feel as if they have a connection to the magazine as kids can recognize the 'disney princess' and pester their parents to buy it. 

In this magazine they use a range of intertexuality, such as Justin Bieber who is a famous singer, and Vanessa Hudgens who is a famous actress from high school musical. This is meant for mass audiences as many people especially kids will know about high school musical and justin bieber. This reference makes the audience recognize the actress and singer and connect with the magazine.

Task 4
In my magazine i am going to use an image of a super cat flying to a speech bubble of knowledge' as a reference to superman, and also write next to the flying cat to infinity and beyond which is from toy story. This will make the reader connect with the magazine. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Media language and representation analysis

Wednesday 13th March 2019

Post 1 –  How is media language used in 2 media products to create meaning through constructing representations and following genre conventions?

  • Describe the main characters/people in the media products... E.g. Gender, Age, Race.
In this magazine front cover it shows a female kitten who looks young as her eyes have not yet changed colour (they do as they grow up), staring at the 'camera'
  • Are they represented positively or negatively? What gives you this impression?
This magazine is represented positively as they are not saying anything bad about the kitten, only informing others about how to discover what your cat is like .
  • What media language elements are they using to construct these representations? For this, don't just look at the obvious, look at everything around the people too, such as colour of text (magazine) or non-diegetic music in the background (video), mise-on-scene (video and magazine, online), etc.
They are using calm words, such as easing, to make the magazine seem positive. The use of the calm words create a educational and positive representation due to the fact that they are trying to help people understand cats. Whereas is they used aggressive words like fierce cats or something along those lines it would create a negative representation. 
  • How do logos and other graphics help construct the brand identity of your chosen products?
Logos and other graphics help construct a design which is unique to yourself. 
  • How do the colour schemes help construct the brand identity of your chosen products?
Colour schemes also help to construct the brand identity as they are unique so they fit your own style/likes.
  • Are there are intertextuality elements that help create meaning?
The words you chose also help your magazine create meaning as the intertextuality forms your magazine to make it suitable for your chosen brief. 
  • What type of shot/music are they using? 
They are using a close up head to stomach shot.
  • What connotations do the colours they use have? 
The light colours help to create a sense of happiness and calmness
  • What does the set represent the time and place of the situation? 
The set helps the readers to understand that this magazine is helping us on how to understand cats. Details in the magazine which tells me this is that the kitten looks curious just like the readers.  
  • What does the make-up and hair used say about the characters/models? 
The cat is not wearing makeup but the kitten looks curious and cute. 
  • What does the body language say about the attitudes of the characters/models used?
The body language helps us to see how the cat is maybe feeling curious about what is ahead of the camera.
  • What connotations can the type of lighting used in the shot/scenes have? How does it help create representation?
The lightning helps to create a positive representation as it is nice and bright, however it would not matter if the background was dark. 

  • Describe the main characters/people in the media products... E.g. Gender, Age, Race.
This magazine shows a cat staring into the camera looking happy as their tail is up and the tip is curved (showing affection)
  • Are they represented positively or negatively? What gives you this impression?
They are represented positively as they are not saying anything bad about cats.
  • What media language elements are they using to construct these representations? For this, don't just look at the obvious, look at everything around the people too, such as colour of text (magazine) or non-diegetic music in the background (video), mise-on-scene (video and magazine, online), etc.
The cats position shows how the cat is feeling happy as they are showing affection towards something/someone behind the camera. 
  • How do logos and other graphics help construct the brand identity of your chosen products?
It helps to create a unique design 
  • How do the colour schemes help construct the brand identity of your chosen products?
It also helps to create a design which fits the creators likes.
  • Are there are intertextuality elements that help create meaning?
The words you chose also help your magazine create meaning as the intertextuality forms your magazine to make it suitable for your likes.
  • What type of shot/music are they using? 
They are using a full body shot.
  • What connotations do the colours they use have? 
The bright and vibrant colours help to create a positive and happy magazine. 
  • What does the set represent the time and place of the situation? 
The set helps us to understand that this magazine is about cats as it shows a cat and the titles include cats.
  • What does the make-up and hair used say about the characters/models?
  • The cat isn't wearing any makeup. 
  • What does the body language say about the attitudes of the characters/models used?
  • The position of the cat helps us to understand that the cat is showing sings of affection, also the fact that the cats pupils are dilated suggest that the cat is feeling calm.  
  • What connotations can the type of lighting used in the shot/scenes have? How does it help create representation?
The lightning (which is bright) helps us to understand how the cat is feeling. But it would not really matter is the lightning was dark as it focuses on the cat but with a bright lightning the readers focus on not just the cat but the bright background. 

Image result for animal magazine double spread articles

  • Describe the main characters/people in the media products... E.g. Gender, Age, Race.
The brown cow in this picture looks vulnerable due to the fact on the other page it shows meat from the cow 
  • Are they represented positively or negatively? What gives you this impression?
They are represented negatively because it shows how people kill these poor cows for food even thogh they deserve to live just like every other animal. 
  • What media language elements are they using to construct these representations? For this, don't just look at the obvious, look at everything around the people too, such as colour of text (magazine) or non-diegetic music in the background (video), mise-on-scene (video and magazine, online), etc.
The position of the cow shows how the cow looks vulnerable and sad, also the title of article on the next page suggests that people a killing innocent cows
  • How do logos and other graphics help construct the brand identity of your chosen products?
It helps because it is your own chosen design 
  • How do the colour schemes help construct the brand identity of your chosen products?
The colours also help to create a unique design as it is your own chosen design.
  • Are there are intertextuality elements that help create meaning?
The intertextuality creates meaning as they are showing a vulnerable cow (which creates a sad environment) and the different kinds of meats that come out a cow ( which makes the readers feel guilty about killing innocent cows who deserve to live just like any other animal). 
  • What type of shot/music are they using? 
They are using a half body shot. 

  • What connotations do the colours they use have? 
The dull colours represent a sad and serious problem as it is making us think about if what we are doing to cows is right. 
  • What does the set represent the time and place of the situation? 
The set shows how the cow is in a farm (that is where they normally keep cows).
  • What does the make-up and hair used say about the characters/models? 
The cow is not wearing any makeup 
  • What does the body language say about the attitudes of the characters/models used?
The fact that the cow is showing half of its body and it looks like the cow has tears in his eyes suggest how the cow is feeling sad that it is about to get killed just like every other cow. 
  • What connotations can the type of lighting used in the shot/scenes have? How does it help create representation?
It helps to create a representation that cow deserve to live and should not be killed for food, the dull lightning and the pictures help create this representation. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019



  • K: The requirements for each of the briefs set by OCR.
  • U: How to approach the chosen brief, including writing the statement of intent.
  • BAT: Choose a brief and start planning what to write in the statement of intent.
  • CO: Use media terminology (all areas of the theoretical framework) in your written and verbal communication.

I am going to do brief 1 which is to create an educational magazine for 10-13 year olds due to the fact that i have some skills in photoshop as i used to do edits on different apps about celebrities and i was ok at photoshop. In the edits i used to photoshop celebrities into different backgrounds and add texts, i would then add different pictures/ adjust the filters and blend it all together. However i could develop my photoshop skills to become more professional. 

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